Rainbow Master
2718 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2016 : 20:23:14
The month of June marks the end of the sixth month of breeding at Living Gems. It was a month of slowing activity…but good signs for babies. As of today, I am upgrading three females to gravid, and three to potentially gravid, out of our eleven females total.
In Group 1, our hypo to het hypo pairing, Amber began refusing food -- she passed on an end-of-May meal, a mid-month makeup, and then an end-of June meal. She has been hugging the warm end of her hide as well. I am upgrading her to potentially gravid only because she is not directly basking yet.
In Group 2, our mixed orange with thick borders pairing, there was again little activity following April’s tail wrap. However, it seems to be for good reason: Jadeite has abandoned her hide and started to openly bask:
 She also refused her end-of June meal. I am upgrading her to gravid status.
In Group 3, our high red pairing, Spessartine “the Ice Queen” continues her reign of disinterest.
In Group 4, our high orange pairing, Nephrite has been spending time on the hot end of her hide, and late in the month I caught her clearly swollen and basking, lying on her side:
 She hesitated to take her end-of-May meal, and refused her end-of-June one. Her last shed was April 30, which is also an excellent sign. I am upgrading her to gravid status.
In Group 5, our dark red trio, there were a few incident of shared hides or water bowls, but no obvious activity. I need to have some strong words with the male in this group.
In Group 6, our mixed orange trio, I found a heavy urate trail from Citrine just after Scarface was reintroduced, but otherwise no activity between those two. Aventurine, however, is refused food: she passed on an end-of-May meal, a mid-month makeup, and then an end-of June meal; and has spent several days holed up on the warm end of the shared hide. I am upgrading her to potentially gravid only because she is not directly basking yet.
In Group 7, our high contrast pairing, there was no activity.
In Group 8, our orange/red pairing, there was no activity. However, Malachite too has been starting to bask (though in her hide, and she is still eating). I even caught her openly basking at one point, but only for a day. Her last shed was April 9, which is also an excellent sign. I am upgrading her to potentially gravid because she is hide-basking and still eating.
In Group 9, our mystery mash-up pairing, Jasper too has been refusing food and starting to openly bask:
 I am upgrading her to gravid status.
As always, you may feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. |
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