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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CDN_Blood Posted - 27/06/2012 : 04:13:03
They're both heading in to a moult so I thought I'd capture some 'Before' shots and dazzle you all with some 'After' shots in a couple of weeks, lol.

Skyler - E.c.crassus

Tagz - E.c.maurus
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gmac Posted - 29/06/2012 : 00:49:30
Looking forward to seeing these guys in a few weeks, absolutely love Tagz and Skyler. Looking great as always CDN
Snakesitter Posted - 28/06/2012 : 05:10:44
It'll happen soon, I'm sure. :-)
CDN_Blood Posted - 28/06/2012 : 02:24:23
Originally posted by Snakesitter

Looking great as always, Todd. Has you reluctant feeder finally warmed up to the concept of a regular mealtime?

Thanks, Cliff. Skyler still hasn't eaten, and Tagz refused food since her last shed also, so they're both moulting empty this time. I'm not *really* surprised with either since they were so heavily fed before, but it'd be reassuring to see them eat a little some-some :)
Snakesitter Posted - 27/06/2012 : 23:47:01
Looking great as always, Todd. Has you reluctant feeder finally warmed up to the concept of a regular mealtime?
Blackcat Posted - 27/06/2012 : 11:48:13
I can't wait for the next lot of photos - as Incurable has said, they are pretty dazzling in these photos.
IncurableFlirt Posted - 27/06/2012 : 04:46:34
I have no doubt that they are both going to be dazzling in their new skin....because they're pretty dazzling right now in their old. ;) I can't wait to see Skyler in new skin, those Paraguayans are stunning.

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